
Personal Trainer (part 1/3)

So what does it feel like, to have your own Personal Trainer? Does having one help you achieve your objective or ambitions?

Awhile ago I won in a finnish Radio Voice-competition, where the main prize was a 12-time personal trainer package. The PT would come from a finnish fitnessgym called SATS and the organization behind the competition was Rexona/Unilever.

I will split this whole story in three different parts, where I'm going to tell what it's all about training with a PT, how does it work, feelings about having one and how this affects your motivation towards your goals.

Let's start off with how this all began.

I took a part in Radio Voice's competition, where the main prize was a 12-time personal trainer package. Three lucky person would receive this reward. The Personal trainer would be coming from SATS-fitnessgym and Rexona/Unilever was the one who started the whole competition. As you can draw a conclusion from this blog writing, I was one of the lucky winners to receive the main prize.

Probably the most funniest thing about this whole thing was, I had totally forgotten this competition and the Radio Voice's morning team called me, around 8'o clock, waking me up from my slumber. I was rather surprised and shocked about me winning this fantastic prize. I mean, personal trainer's usually cost tons of money to have for this many times (12-times). WOW! Luckyy!

How the things started to roll on...

My PT contacted me via email, asking what was my goals, ambitions and how often I usually train and what myeating habits are like. I was a bit embarassed to admit, that I just ate whenever I felt like... We also concluded when the first PT-meeting would be at.

First Personal trainer meeting.

I was a bit nervous before the meeting. Luckily for me, my personal trainer was rather trustable looking guy, who clearly had trained more than me in terms of gym and fitness. I was confirmed that I would get results and find the joy in gym and power training!

We started off with a small-talk, proceeded to make a bodybalance check, where we saw how my body was in terms of fat percentage, water, bone mass, strenght mass and what surprised me the most: my left arm is stronger than my right arm. Which is surprising, because I'm right handed (a joke only men understand... ).

At the gym we trained different warm-ups, stretching, techniques in lifting and new ways to train at the gym. Technique seems to be very important, for example in lifting, so your back won't sign off your contract, during older age...

After the first PT-session, i had really good feelings about the whole thing. I was motivated like never before. Going to the gym was actually fun and the time flew like it had wings on it's back.

What kind of feelings these PT-times have brought to me personally?

I have visited my PT five times now (yes, I was supposed to make a blog post about this earlier... ), so new techniques and differet methods to train at the gym has been more familiar to me. Most of the new methods are fun to do, even if you get all sweaty and (can I say easy?) intresting to do. Some of the methods are just so annoying I want to roll on the floor and cry... One of these is move called Turkish Get Up. You can Youtube it, if you want and try it yourself.

My PT made me a food program (which after I saw it, I was rather shocked. Having to eat 3k calories during the day.. FEELS A LOT!). He also made me a training program for gym and cardio. These will help me improve and help me on my way towards my goal of participating Ironman triathlon (and finishing it under 17 hours). It feels quite amazing to visit gym nowdays, when before it was something I had to force me to do... Maybe because it's part of knowing what to do there now, instead of just chilling around.

I have a lot more positive thoughts and feelings about going to the gym now. Also my motivation for training was slightly missing in action and during Feb-April, I had eaten a bit too much ice cream... :D. The feeling can't be described with words, when you find your burning inner flame, to continue towards your ambitions and goals, towards that very dream which you want to make true.

This being said, I can recommend hiring your own personal trainer, to support you towards your goals. At least at the start. Be aware though, having your own personal trainer can be slightly addicting. The price/quality/efficiency is totally worth it, than just doing something at the gym, without knowing half what methods you could use (like using dumbells). I'm actually thinkin to purchase new 12-time personal trainer package, after my "trial" :D ends.

All thanks to SATS, Radio Voice and REXONA for making this happen. I am very pleased to have this opportunity. Thank you!

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