
Dessert & Snowrunfest

Originally I was planning to make a post about Snowrunfest, but I then I found out about this yummy dessert, which I wanted to try to make. Eventually I didn't know which one I should post about, so here it is. A mans choice! Pick one - no, no! Let's take both of them: Here it is a snowrunfest filled dessert post with no added sugar!


Let's start off with the food, since I love making food (read: eating...):

I was hungry, so I decided to make pasta and chicken. Normally I would avoid pasta, unless I know I will be doing lot of exercises, which needs fuel, like marathons etc.

I spiced the chicken by using mexican vegteables once they were almost ready. They are provided in a bag that can be found from stores selling Pirkka-labeled products. I also put some corn-pea-pepperbells in there. I put some chili sauce in there also. Overall the taste was super good. The white stuff is cheese...thingy, no idea of the english name. Sorry!

Chicken pasta ala Janne

Chicken pasta ala Janne

Then like the title already revealed, I made some dessert fit for amateur athlete's like me, who are on a candy/chocolate strike.

These banana-creppes are easy to make and only need few eggs & bananas to make. They taste delicious just the way they are - but you can spice them up with your own choice of fruits/sauce/anything goes (even chocolate proteinshake etc. ). Below is a picture of what I had to choose from:

I had lots of ingredients to choose from - maybe a bit too much ;)?

Suggestions what you can use to top your dessert!

Only needed ingredients for making banana-creppes
Use 1:1 rate for banana/egg

Them bananas and eggs in harmony.
Use blender or mixer to make them into a nice "foam"

In any case, turning these banana-creppes turned out to be slightly difficult. I tried to make them in a big frying pan, but if you have those pans with small holes for creppes - use that. Also you need patience, first few be annoying to flip over, but you get used to it. Also remember the pan needs to be hot!

Making of, happy banana creppe!

Easier if you put them into smaller servings, to flip over, that is.

The creppes turned out OK! in end and I put some fruits on the plate, cashew nuts and poured some coconut flakes on top of the fruits. Really, really, REALLY! delicious. Yum.

Finishing product! Banana creppes surrounded with the love of other fruits, with finishing touch of coconut flakes on top

Finishing product! Banana creppes surrounded with the love of other fruits, with finishing touch of coconut flakes on top

Be warned though, as the main ingredient comes from bananas and eggs, you will be super filled. It's super delicious, so avoid making your stomach explode from the yummies! and no sugar involved, except fruits own sugar!

Last but not least, the second main subject for this blog post: Snowrunfest

So what is snowrunfest?

It's a fun running event with lots of obstacles to pass before you make it to the finishing line. Taken from the organizers website: there are sumo wrestlers, airfilled obstacles, climbing ropes and much more. The whole course is filled with neon lights and there is DJ playing music for people participating (or cheering for the people running).

In total it seems to be super fun event and like the crazy person I am, I'm definetely participating. I also have friend joining, so it is going to be double the fun!

Oh and I should mention it's run outside, in freezing cold and hopefuly there is tons of snow involved. Yes, we finns are crazy!

Map of the obstacle course, provided by snowrunfest organization

The run will happen on 8th of Feb., with after the run there is going to be a nightclub afterparty, which will probably delay the after posting with pictures to the next days... I of course will not drink alcohol, no sir, no no!

You can find more about Snowrunfest here:


If you want to participate, you can do so by applying here before 4th of Feb. (the prices can be found there).


How did you like the foods/ the blogs new look? Are you going to participate on the Snowrunfest?!

Comment below and subsribe to get the latest blog news from achieving dreams...

Ps. you can read the finnish version by choosing the "finnish blog posts" tab at the start of page.

Pps. here is a song called whole again by atomic kitten... I felt so whole after eating so much good stuff and I'm supposed to go have 10km run still...


Playing around with my blog!

 Boring day

Got slightly bored today and started to look at Bloggers settings. Found out, that my blog was super plain and I wanted to try something different with it.

So changed the whole consept of it, with picture as backround and will add a picture as banner on top of the site. I wonder how that will look like.

I'm also testing out, if it's possible to make blog posts, that can link with each other - that way I could have finnish&english written blogs, if someone would enjoy reading my posts in finnish.

Using Bloggers own backround photo, but since I like to claim myself as a photographer (at least as a hobby), I'll try to get different kind of picture.

How you think the blog looks currently? Is the font readable? Does my blog look a lot more cheerful now, than the old black? Comment and subsribe!

--- Maybe I should have added before and after pictures... So the difference could be seen: But you can think of the old blog as "really dark, gloomy and stupid". Compared to this super cheerful blog!


A bit different day!

Train, sweat, competite, repeat and rinse. That's how it's with most sports, but like a finnish rap artist sang once, it's good to take a holiday and do something different... But what is different, well that's up for you to decide, but this is how I spend few days relaxing.

The story starts on a freezing day, in the cold land of Finland, the land of polarbears and igloos. Well, we don't have polarbears, but with the weather currently we could probably make igloos.

I received couple of free entrance tickets to this exhibition fair called NextStep, which is a fair for people to come and check out what schools/job opporturnities there lies in this country and beyond. The fair was held in Helsinki, at the Exhibtion centre, famous of having all kind of cool fairs all around the year. For example, there is a fair run (10km or 21km distance), which is ran indoors, with stairs and everything. It's awesome. Especially if there is lots of snow and it's cold outside (the fair run is being held on 28th of December for those that are interested).

However, since the weather was nice, I went for a slight jog/run. It was nice. Ready for going to NextStep fair now!

Angry Bird Janne featuring my volunteer outfit I received while i was at work during the world ice hockey championship in 2012, that was held in Helsinki. The jacket is very comfourtable to wear.

Visiting NextStep 22.-23th of January

I visited NExtStep on both days it was going on, because first day I wanted to have relaxing time and get to know every cool opportunity there was. Unfortunatly for me, only few intresting options was available. Mainly LIDL had some job opportunities, which to one I aplied to. I also was very intrested in some of the political parties that were around. Maybe I get into politics some day even more.

But best part in fairs are the never ending competitions, where you can win stuff (and candies, but since I'm on a diet/ still on my new years promises, I didn't eat any... ). I of course like the crazy person am, Aplied to all of them and maybe I win some stuff, like movie tickets... Which I won't use, since going to movies alone is super boring.

There was also some artists, but I'll get them later on a bit more... Right now there is this really cute looking froggy coming near me... I want to take a photo with it!

Yay, I got to take picture with this cute froggy.
But I was wondering... don't we look the same? Brother? IS IT YOU?!

At the fair there was also this popular finnish blogger called Soikkuu. She was tiny. Like really. Reminds me of artist called Anna Abreau. Both have common they are super cute! Soikku also has bunny called Sparta, which is one of the reasons I started to watch her videoblogs. You should too! Just search on Youtube Soikkuu and you find her. She's cute tiny blonde girl.
and if you're looking for another extreme type of videoblogger, search up Niilo22... He's funny.

Oh yes, there was few artists playing during the fair, band called Kuningasidea and rap artist called Sini Sabotage. There also was a rap artist / body builder called Black Barbarian. He is epic win!

Not many photos of Kuningasidea, since I was too busy jamming along with their songs, but there's some of Sini Sabotage and Black Barbaari!


Musta Barbaari
(Black Barbarian)

Sini Sabotage picture

Sini Sabotage with idol singer Alma Miettinen

Sini with the idol singer Alma Miettinen

 Very good gig presented by Sini Sabotage and Alma Miettinen. Black Barbaari held a good show also earlier, but no pictures of it. It was really crowded though. He is popular!

After the rap artist (Sini Sabotage) was done playing her gig, I was looking around and found this super cool spinning-thingy , which I just had to go test and try-out. It was more fun than you can imagine! Just watch the video...


 After the two days of pure awesomes, the fun had to end somewhere and the fair came to an end. It was very nicely organized event, which hopefuly leads to people finding their calling in life, what to do next. Thank you Sakki for organizing the event.

Cakes, we all love cakes!

Oh, I also found a photo of cake my sister once made for me, on my Birthday. It looks really intresting, doesn't it? I can't remember how it tasted, but I'm still alive aren't I ;) Remember to be kind to your siblings!

My birthday cake, which my sister made years back... Looks very exotic doesn't it?

Thanks for reading, next blog post I'm going to tell a bit about the upcoming run I'm going to participate on!


New year 2014 promises

The promises of a new year and the progress how it's going so far.


Almost everyone makes new year promises, at least once in their lifetime. But how many how those promises are actually being kept and what is the reason people make them? Why is it that hard to keep up on promises of something that is good to you in long terms, like healthy lifestyle?

Well let's face it, making promises is easy - Keeping them isn't. That's the basic concept which I came up with (aren't I a smart  one :D ). Too high goals, without ambition and drive to complete them isn't the best mix. That is the very reason one should make decisions, or in this case promises, to have long term goals that benefit you. It doesn't matter if you have the ambition to drop eating candies, or starting to go gym regularly, if you are just going to drop it once you slip from your goal. Missing going to gym once isn't the end of the world, the choice to not go at all because of that one slip is though.

This exactly why I have made a counterattack to my lazyness(!) Instead of just one or two difficult promises, I made fifteen (15) promises! Yes you read that correctly. I made fifteen promises, so breaking few doesn't still sink my boat of awesomeness. I even put all of them on my Facebook cover, so they reminds me of their existence. However, the person I am, I'm trying my utmost best to keep them all happening. This is something a rap artist would response "keep it real", but I am keeping it real - at least I dream of making all those goals once in my lifetime.

Promises to do in year 2014

I'll adress here few of my promises I intend to keep (or at least try to):

  • run a full-lenght marathon (42km) in under 4 hours
  • run half-marathon in under 1 hour 45 minutes
  • no alcohol, candies or chocolate
  • participate on ironman competition
  • learn to dance
and 10 other very intresting promises, like getting a girlfriend (":D"), but some promises are just meant to be broken. I however wish the dream to compete on ironman would happen. The investment for the bicycle might be a bit too much though, we will see.

I'm especially proud of the no alcohol/candies/chocolate promise, it's been 18 days already, so this is now counted in weeks, soon to be counted in months. Just to test my ironwill, I purchased a candy box before I started this diet. Later on I found out Fazer Amica (a factory in Finland, makes sweets, doughs, food etc. )  remembered me with a some brand new sweets. My will of pure iron is on test here, but I will stay strong.

On other note, my Christmas holidays were a blast, ate too much and got some sweet, sweet gifts (which I purchased myself, but hey!). 


These included:
  •  a brand new pair of Asics Gel Nimbus 19 
  • new gps-multisports watch from TomTom

Just married Janne and Asics (shoes), my new equipment for keeping it strong!

So at least my equipment for new year is in good shape. Hopefuly I stay healthy and my motivation is as high as it was last year.

What promises/gifts you guys got or made? Did the promises get forgotten right off, or are you still keeping it strong like a strong athelete you are?