Yet another marathon, is this the same though?
No, sometimes you make a bad decision and that is doing sports when you're not 100% health. Cold seems to have taken over me, yet I decided to go try break my personal record of 1.50h in a half-marathon.
I prepared well for the event, bought energy gels, printed a paper that told me how fast I would need to run per kilometer (which by the way is 5.13 minutes/km, for 1.50h time). I was certain I would go under magical 1.50!
But no, no broken record of 1.50h, but instead I broke the myth "dumb people don't get sick". Hehe.
I did break my old record though, but for some reason, this didn't bring me any joy. Well, there is always another day, another race, another given chance to break records! Just need to go forward, never look back!
Disapointed Personal record was broken, but it didn't bring any joy. But there is always a new day - NEVER look back! |
Thumbs up for winning yourself 1.56.12 is still ok |
Few words about pääkaupunkiseutu marathon
The whole run was tons harder than I thought it would be. While I was running, I made a nickname for the race: "All uphill marathon". No seriously, it felt like the race was going uphill all the time and then few super radical downhills. Very exhausting.
Also I did not like the sports drinks they were serving to us runners. The taste was horrible. I think it was supposed to be mandarin flavour, but it tasted like socks. I don't even want to know what energy drinks they were. Actually yes I do want to know, so I don't buy those myself... Ugh.
Also the drinking stations... They were horribly placed. The first came when we already had ran for over 6 to 7 kilometers of the trip. Seriously what's with that? It's probably handy for the organization, but as a runner, I didn't enjoy the distance.
Positive side (which is a major big one) is that the people cheering at us runners were fabulous! It really matters in endurance tests like these, when people cheer for you, even if they are complete strangers to you.
Some kid had climbed up on the tree for better view |
Last race for awhile
This was also my last race for this year probably, not sure if there are any intresting running events coming in Finland anymore, until next year. Or maybe I go try running on different country, see how it feels.
There is one new consept of a run though, that I might want to try, but will tell about it later on.
Congratulations on new world time record on marathon
Yes, it's true. Wilson Kipkang broke the world record and set a new time of 2.03.23. Now that is some sweet running. Around 20km/hour. Could you do that? I certainly would want to! Big heads up to Wilson! Oh I wish I would have been there, at Berling Marathon to see it happen...
Congratulations mr. Wilson, I shall be trying to best you some day! |